Busy operators need a faster way to see which tech is best for their business
Tech reviews and ratings
Hear how other operators choose their tech. What works, what doesn't?
Compare your tech stack
How does your tech stack compare to others -- are you missing anything?
Stackeo is for operators who want to learn from each other
Do you like your tech?
Stackeo makes it easy to share your experience with others
Are you looking to add new tech?
Stackeo is a fast and easy way to see what works for other restaurants

Want to see how your tech stacks up?
Get a personalized tech stack report when you take the survey

Hearing from other operators about the tech they're using is incredibly helpful. Stackeo unlocks insights we can all learn from.
- Jenna Swigert, TJS Group

Hospitality is a full-time job. You don't have time to hunt for better solutions.
Restaurants rely on technology more than ever to reach new customers and deliver great dining experiences.
Stackeo talks with operators to understand how they select, manage and integrate their tech systems. Then we share these valuable insights back with the restaurant community so we can all learn from each other, saving you time and effort as you choose the best tech for your business.